Sustainable Construction Systems in Zero Energy Envelopes

Our construction solutions are oriented towards clean technologies in a circular economy, revolutionizing the way of building. They transform and benefit the local unskilled workforce and mitigate the effects of climate change. We have integrated SUSTAINABLE STRUCTURES Systems with ZERO ENERGY ENVELOPE systems based on the concept of Armor of the building as the main element of the habitat : THE WALL as theenvelope that protects us against the weather, changes in temperature and also has a structural function. We combine structural construction technology of encircling Shells using Methods and Materials with sustainable performance, integrity structural and comfort (noise, interior climate, humidity, fire).
Cold formed light steel LGS profile and Steel Frame
metallurgical steel Structure metallic
masonry in reinforced concrete grids
Panels in GEDCreto light and Cellular
Lightweight and Cellular GEOCrete MegaBlocks
Bricks and Blocks in Clay BTC in Geopolymers

DID YOU KNOW. .. THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR TRADITIONAL IS THE THIRD LARGEST CO2-GENERATING POLLUTANT of the planet Due to the high consumption Energy to produce fired clays and Portland cement in processes with non-respectful waste with the environment. The ONU he has predicted that by 2030, 60% of the human population will be concentrated in cities and their surroundings, consuming more than three quarters of the world's energy and generating the same proportion of global pollution.

THE MATERIALS ... With technology what brand the difference
THE ZERO ENERGY SURROUNDING SHELL Provides innovation with new techniques and materials in sync with the site, makes use of energy, water and materials in an efficient way. It provides comfort and health to its users. All this is achieved thanks to a design process that is aware of the climate and the ecology of the environment where the building is built.​

THE STRUCTURE ... What does it support? loads and supports safety
WITH LIGHT ELEMENTS We provide the support of the Armor and it is integrated to it to resist the effects of the different loads of the structural design. Our designs are assisted by professional expertise and digital tools from the basic architectural concepts, urban planning, the passive and active design of the building for the best modeling using steel as a raw material to guarantee resistance, safety with constructive optimization.
THE MODULATION ... What defines the habitat with better methods
THE SUSTAINABLE STRUCTURE THE WALL as the envelope that protects us against the weather, changes in temperature and also has a structural function. We combine structural construction technology of encircling Shells using Methods and Materials with sustainable performance, integrity structural and comfort (noise, interior climate, humidity, fire) .​

REVIVE THE COMFORT.. . In shells that wrap and hug life
BY INTEGRATING MATERIALS with a low carbon footprint, we achieve design processes that are aware of the climate and the ecology of the environment where the building is built.​

Acero metalúrgico Estructura metálica
Acero ligero formado en frío Perfil LGS y Steel Frame
​Maderas de Ingeniería Perfil Endurecido y Alistonado
CREATE VALUE .. . In sustainable and regenerative constructions
THE COMFORT the durability and origin of our Sustainable Construction Systems surpass traditional construction systems : Fired brick and excessive use of portland cements, highly polluting labor and construction waste added to delays in time and duration of projects
Comfort by interior TEMPERATURE control
Barrier against noise and moisture
Meets fire regulations
Strength and structural integrity NSR10
environment friendly - ZERO Co2 footprint
value engineering -cost benefit advantage
lightweight and fast build
high performance and reliability
LEED, EDGE and Zero Energy Certification
Porque elegirnos
Atendemos Personalmente
Nos integramos a la solución
Somos fabricantes de insumos y Equipos
Desarrollamos Implementamos Innovación Tecnología
en Reduccion Huella de Carbono